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Neck Lift Seattle – Rejuvenate the Neck

Published on December 22, 2015

Many people develop creases, wrinkles and sagging skin in the neck and this can happen to people who are genetically predisposed or simply in the aging process. The neck area can be improved through Neck Lift surgery. This procedure takes approximately 3 to 4 hours and can improve sagging skin, wrinkles and deep lines, or excess fat deposits on the neck. In many cases, patients opt to combine the neck lift procedure with facial rejuvenation procedures such a a face lift, botox, dermal fillers or liposuction.

Neck Lift may not be right for everyone, and the best way to find out if a Neck Lift may be right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chung. During your consultation Dr. Chung will examine you and ask about your goals and concerns to determine the best method for getting you the results you want. If you are ready to begin seriously discussing your options for neck rejuvenation, contact our office today.

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